Update History/Updates (2024) (2025)

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  • 1 January
    • 1.1 January 5th, 2024
    • 1.2 January 6th, 2024
    • 1.3 January 7th, 2024
    • 1.4 January 9th, 2024
    • 1.5 January 10th, 2024
    • 1.6 January 11th, 2024
    • 1.7 January 12th, 2024
    • 1.8 January 13th, 2024
    • 1.9 January 14th, 2024
    • 1.10 January 15th, 2024
    • 1.11 January 21st, 2024
  • 2 February
    • 2.1 February 1st, 2024
    • 2.2 February 8th, 2024
    • 2.3 February 20th, 2024
  • 3 March
    • 3.1 March 1st, 2024
    • 3.2 March 15th, 2024
    • 3.3 March 16th, 2024
  • 4 April
    • 4.1 April 2nd, 2024
    • 4.2 April 5th, 2024
    • 4.3 April 15th, 2024
  • 5 May
    • 5.1 May 1st, 2024
    • 5.2 May 2nd, 2024
    • 5.3 May 3rd, 2024
    • 5.4 May 15th, 2024
    • 5.5 May 17th, 2024
  • 6 June
    • 6.1 June 1st, 2024
    • 6.2 June 15th, 2024
  • 7 July
    • 7.1 July 1st, 2024
    • 7.2 July 15th, 2024
  • 8 August
    • 8.1 August 1st, 2024
    • 8.2 August 2nd, 2024
    • 8.3 August 5th, 2024
    • 8.4 August 15th, 2024
    • 8.5 August 18th, 2024
  • 9 September
    • 9.1 September 1st, 2024
    • 9.2 September 3rd, 2024
    • 9.3 September 15th, 2024
  • 10 October
    • 10.1 October 1st, 2024
    • 10.2 October 9th, 2024
    • 10.3 October 12th, 2024
    • 10.4 October 21st, 2024
    • 10.5 October 22nd, 2024
    • 10.6 October 31st, 2024
  • 11 November
    • 11.1 November 15th, 2024
    • 11.2 November 18th, 2024
  • 12 December
    • 12.1 December 1st, 2024
    • 12.2 December 15th, 2024
    • 12.3 December 16th, 2024
    • 12.4 December 17th, 2024
    • 12.5 December 20th, 2024
    • 12.6 December 22nd, 2024


January 5th, 2024[]

  • The most significant new addition to the game is Custom Mode— a feature that allows you to design a 10-week story mode.
  • It is now possible to achieve an "Alternate Ending" for 1980s Mode where Ryoba avoids going to trial and gets to confess to Jokichi.
  • From now on, leaving gifts and notes on Senpai’s desk will make him more and more curious to learn the identity of his anonymous secret admirer. He’ll gradually go from "apathetic" to "interested" to "enamored" with the idea of meeting the mystery girl.
  • The player can now customize the game’s difficulty when starting a new save file.
  • I’ve begun to do some preliminary work on adding more rivals to 202X Mode. As part of that process, there is now a sandbag hanging in the air above the gym stage.
  • Over the years, various fans have created "New School Environment" mods that significantly improved the exterior of the school. I was extremely impressed with these mods; they inspired me to make various additions and adjustments to the school.
  • When speaking to students, the "Socialize" option was kinda lame. You simply picked a conversation topic from a list of 25 topics, and chose whether to say something positive or negative. It was not very fun or engaging.

The latest build drastically changes the "Socialize" feature. Now, instead of simply picking a topic to talk about, you are brought to a new interface that resembles a visual novel, and presented with 5 options.

  • It is now possible to play Mission Mode in 1980s Mode. It’s an alternate timeline where Ryoba became an assassin working for the Yakuza!
  • In "Yakuza Mode, " you arrive at school wearing an outfit that makes it clear you’re an intruder. Anyone who sees you will instantly get alarmed and run to tell a teacher. These circumstances are meant to encourage stealth gameplay.

With this mode active, you arrive at school with a katana, which you must use to kill your target. Also, you’re not allowed to leave school unless you’re holding the katana.

  • The inventory screen has been completely redone. There are now icons for each item!
  • The "Lust Demon" is now finally functional.
  • The "Enlightenment" stat was implemented in 2015, but has lacked any sort of functionality for 8 years. The purpose of that stat was to activate an easter egg that would reference the next game that I was planning to develop after releasing Yandere Simulator. That easter egg is now functional. To activate it, speak to the Death Demon while the Enlightenment stat is maxed out. (While it’s active, try walking nearby students with Yandere Vision active, and see what you learn!)
  • It is now possible to order special meals that result in dream sequences.
  • You may notice that some of the characters in 1980s Mode now have different hairstyles. These models are not necessarily going to be their final models; you could think of them as placeholders. A big "revamp" is planned for 1980s Mode student appearances, so please don’t judge their current hair models too harshly just yet.
  • Previously, if any student heard the sound of another student being electrocuted, they would not investigate the sound. A lot of players reported this as a bug. It wasn’t a bug— it was intentional— but, since players believe that the sound should be investigated, students will now investigate the sound of electrocution.
  • Reducing the draw distance below 250 meters would prevent the camera from fully rendering the clouds around the school, resulting in a "circular hole in the sky." To prevent this, clouds are now disabled when the draw distance is less than 250.
  • From now on, when you get spotted by someone in Mission Mode, the identity of the person who spotted you (Coach, Nurse, Student, Teacher, etc) will be displayed next to their name, to give you a better idea of who it was that spotted you.
  • Gardening Club students are meant to carry watering cans that match their hair colors, but the watering cans they carried didn’t match their hair very closely. The watering cans now have more accurate colors, in both 202X and 1980s Mode.
  • If the player kidnaps Osana during Week 1 (before she cuts her hair) her hair will remain long in the basement. If the player kidnaps Osana during Week 2 (after she cuts her hair) her hair will be short in the basement.
  • Some of the 1980s Mode rivals shared the same idle/walk animations. I’ve changed their animations so that they all use animations that are unique from one another.
  • The "Standing in front of corkboard, planning how to eliminate next rival" sequence now has unique music that isn’t heard elsewhere in the game.
  • A Physical Education stat of at least "1" is now required to shove a student into the iron maiden and kill them by slamming the doors shut.
  • Raibaru and adult characters can no longer be shoved into the iron maiden; they’re strong enough to resist Ayano trying to push them.
  • From now on, if the player goes to class while the kiln is burning a corpse, the corpse will be finished burning when class ends.
  • The 1980s Mode diary entries have been updated to sound more natural and less like a straight-up list of likes and dislikes.
  • Adjusted Ichirou Saikou’s year of birth in the timeline sequence that appears after the 1980s Mode post-credits cutscene.
  • A Physical Education stat of at least "1" is now required to break the glass cases in the Foreign Studies room.
  • The protagonist is now required to obtain a Fake ID before they can purchase romance manga in 1980s Mode.
  • Students now say something other than "Hmm…" when they see a mind-broken slave walking through school.
  • Improved the little "Friend" icon that appears on a student’s portrait after you have befriended them.
  • The protagonist now has more "Personas" to choose from at mirrors— a total of 20.
  • Improved the "casual wave" animation performed by shy or laid-back characters.
  • Yandere Simulator now supports up to 4k resolution.
  • Added drop shadows to the pause menu icons.

January 6th, 2024[]

  • It is now possible to choose any of the ten 1980s Mode rivals as a target when you are designing a multi-mission.
  • Previously, if the player tried to exfiltrate during a Yakuza Mode mission, the option would be disabled as long as the player was being chased. From now on, that will no longer be the case; you can now exfiltrate even if you’re being chased by someone.
  • The player now has the option of throwing an aimed object with the "E" key instead of being limited to using the left mouse button. (This means that laptop users without distinct left/right mouse buttons can now aim and throw things.)
  • Replaced several characters’ hair models.
  • When randomizing a student, the same hairstyle can no longer appear twice in a row.

January 7th, 2024[]

  • If the player changes Senpai’s routine in Custom Mode from its default state, then he can’t perform the "put bento on desk" action that he’s supposed to perform in order for the player to be able to sabotage his bento. From now on, no matter what routine the player gives to Senpai at the beginning of Custom Mode, he will always perform the "put bento on desk" action before he moves on to the rest of the routine that the player assigned him.
  • Updating the game to support "player-designed custom protagonist appearance" in all scenes would be a tremendous amount of work, so in certain scenes, the player will now obscure their appearance with a disguise, based off of a cliche disguise that is commonly seen in anime and Japanese media. These scenes are the town scene and the asylum scene.
  • I recognize that some players may spend a lot of time in the Custom Mode menu, and might eventually get sick of the background music. So, *I’ve decided to add the ability to swap out the music that plays at that screen. While you’re in any Custom Mode menu, tap the "M" key anytime to swap between two different tracks.
  • Students are now willing to follow you in Mission Mode at low school atmosphere (otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to complete missions requiring the use of the Iron Maiden).
  • The vat of acid is now always available in Mission Mode, instead of only being available when you’re a member of the Science Club.
  • It is now possible to spin the postcard and dial numbers on the rotary phone using the arrow keys instead of the WASD keys.
  • There are no longer any restrictions to the "Pass Time Studying" feature when you’re playing in Mission Mode.
  • The "Evil Photographer" topic is now available in Mission Mode and works on all rivals.

January 9th, 2024[]

  • When the player does not possess an item, that item’s icon is semi-transparent in the inventory screen. However, the transparency was set so high that it was difficult to tell the difference between an item that the player did have, and an item that the player did not have. The transparency of "non-possessed items" has been lowered so that it’s easier to tell the difference between the two.
  • I heard from a lot of players who spent over an hour in Custom Mode and then accidentally hit the "Randomize All" button and wiped out all their work, so the "Randomize All" button now summons a window that asks the player to confirm whether or not they really want to randomize all students.
  • When visiting the town in Custom Mode, your protagonist hides her face and hair with a disguise. However, the disguise looked really stupid in combination with a pink dress, so from now on, the protagonist wears the "stealth mission" outfit when incognito in town.
  • It is now possible to befriend the student council characters in Mission Mode. This is to make it possible to complete any mission that involves eliminating a student council character with the "Crush" method.
  • Previously, the "Being Chased" music in Yakuza Mode would only play when a teacher or council member was chasing the player. That music will now also play if a Heroic student is chasing the player.
  • Your Custom Mode protagonist no longer appears as Ryoba in the delinquent beat-em-up minigame; she now wears a disguise.
  • Replaced all of Info-chan’s voice lines with new ones.
  • Improved the delinquent boys’ face textures.
  • Improved Miyuji’s hair.

January 10th, 2024[]

  • In the "Senpai reacts to the gift on his desk" screen, the word "love" has been replaced with "obsessed." Senpai doesn’t actually fall in love with his anonymous secret admirer just because he found some gifts on his desk; rather, he becomes obsessed with the idea of discovering who it is.
  • It is now possible to mute the music at the Custom Mode screen, in case it’s getting annoying. Press "M" multiple times to get to the "pure silence" track.
  • From now on, whenever the player is talking to a club leader, they will hear music that suits the mood of the club. (It’s possible that this music may change in the future.)

January 11th, 2024[]

  • From now on, in Custom Mode, the portrait displaying on the protagonist’s Stats screen will reflect the appearance that the player designed for the protagonist, rather than just being a photo of Ryoba.
  • It is now possible to scroll the map farther to the side when placing map markers in Custom Mode, so that the player can put characters at the very edges of the map if they wish.

January 12th, 2024[]

  • The text that displays at the "Ready?" screen of Custom Mode has been adjusted to highly encourage the player to back up their Custom Mode data so that they don’t lose it whenever they update to the latest build of the game. Hint hint. HINT HINT!
  • In Custom Mode, a new option has been added to the Miscellaneous Options menu— the player can now decide whether or not they’d like to be able to befriend the student council in their Custom Mode play-through.
  • From now on, whenever the player highlights a location or an action in Custom Mode, some text will appear on the right side of the screen to explain where that location is, or what that action does.
  • When using the "Void Goddess" debug feature in Custom Mode, the student portraits that appear will now be the students you designed instead of being the 1980s Mode students.

January 13th, 2024[]

  • The "Dreams" that the player can experience by eating ramen show pieces of backstory/lore from the Aishi bloodline, and it wouldn’t make sense for anyone outside of the bloodline to experience those dreams. Thus, Custom Mode protagonists are no longer allowed to purchase ramen.
  • From now on, whenever the player is in Custom Mode, the text "Custom Mode" will appear at the top of the calendar screen. (This will make it easier for bug reporters to know whether or not the game has bugged out and forgotten that Custom Mode is supposed to be active.)
  • Checking the "Stats" screen will now display the player’s current reputation. This way, you can check what your reputation is at home without having to go to school just to see it displayed as a number.

January 14th, 2024[]

  • The character limit of the "Student Profile" label has been expanded from 100 to 150 so that you can write longer profiles for your custom characters.

January 15th, 2024[]

  • At the "How would you like to eliminate your rival?" screen, there are little broken heart icons to signify how difficult an elimination method is. However, it was hard to tell what the maximum number of hearts was (and thus how difficult an elimination method was in relation to others) so some semi-transparent hearts have been added to denote "maximum difficult."
  • Added "White" eye color option to Custom Mode.

January 21st, 2024[]

  • Long-time players may remember that, at one point in the past, I added a debug command for disabling all trees at school to allow players to test whether or not the removal of the trees would improve their framerates. This command will now affect the new trees that were added in the January 5th update, as well. To disable all trees, press the "Y" key on your keyboard 10 times. (To restore them, press "Y" again. You can then toggle them on and off by pressing "Y" some more.) I’d be interested in knowing if removing all the new trees significantly improves anyone’s framerate…
  • The player now begins Mission Mode with Chemistry Level 4, meaning that they will be able to craft Lethal Poison right from the beginning of the match. Also, crafting Lethal Poison in Mission Mode will grant the player 10 lethal poisons, making it possible to complete a Multi-Mission that involves poisoning 10 people.
  • If you want your Custom Mode rival’s suitor to check his locker in Custom Mode, you have to make sure that his 5:19 action is Shoes and his 5:19 destination if Locker. To save you the trouble, I’ve made it so that randomizing a suitor’s schedule automatically sets the 5:19 schedule to that action/destination.
  • In the asylum mission, it is now possible to throw pebbles using the "E" key rather than the left mouse button. This is to accommodate laptop users who play the game on a touchpad that doesn’t support pressing two mouse buttons simultaneously.
  • There are now text files called BefriendBetray.txt inside of the CustomMode folders that allow you to write the dialogue that will appear when you speak with one of your Custom Mode Rivals about her "Evil Photographer" problem.
  • During Mission Mode, sleuths (and certain club leaders) never ate lunch, which made it impossible to kill them with lethal poison if that was the objective of the player’s current mission. This oversight has been corrected.


February 1st, 2024[]

  • It is now possible to have a female Senpai in Custom Mode.
  • The button to spill liquid out of a bucket is now the "B" button instead of the "A" button, since players were often accidentally spilling liquid out of a bucket while trying to use the "A" button to open doors. (For keyboard players, it has been changed from the "E" key to the "Q" key.)
  • When the player is talking to a student and selects the "Bye" option from the Dialogue Wheel, the player and the student say goodbye to one another. From now on, if the two of them have socialized using the new socialization system, their goodbye will sound a little more friendly.
  • The "rummage through drawer for dirty magazine" button prompt is now red, in order to warn te player that it represents a suspicious action that the player can be punished for.
  • From now on, using the Befriend/Betray stealth mission to eliminate a rival through friendship will result in the rival’s friendship meter jumping to 100%.
  • A few more stats now appear on the Stats screen: the player’s current number of friends, and the number of times they have alerted other students.
  • The police in the "End of Day" sequence are now using an original walk animation, rather than a default walk animation from the Unity Asset Store.
  • To help you remember whether or not a save file is an "Alternate Timeline" save file, a fun guest will now be visible on the Calendar screen.
  • Custom Mode now has unique background music! (You can still press the "M" key to switch to a different track or mute the music.)
  • Senpai will now reject a rival’s love confession if her reputation is −100 by 5:00 PM on Friday.
  • A student’s profile in Custom Mode can now be up to 200 characters long.
  • The "Senpai with heart eyes" graphic has been improved.

February 8th, 2024[]

  • The game was updated with the ability to change the genders of rivals and suitors, allowing the player to potentially design male rivals with male suitors and female rivals with female suitors. However, the Matchmaking scripts were still expecting rivals to be female and suitors to be male, so the Matchmaking elimination didn’t work if the rival was male or the suitor was female. Those scripts have been updated, and it is now possible to matchmake rivals and suitors no matter what combination of genders is involved (male/female, female/male, male/male, or female/female).
  • At the Senpai Customization screen, the player is given the option of skipping past Senpai Customization and going straight to the intro cutscene, or skipping past customization+intro+tutorial+scheming and going straight to the Calendar screen. However, there was really no way for the player to know how much was going to be skipped by choosing those options, so an "Are you sure?" confirmation window has been added that spells out exactly what the player will be skipping past by choosing either option.
  • Previously, if you adjusted the volume of the game’s music in the Audio Settings menu, the game would forget about your settings as soon as you exited school. This is no longer the case; the game will now always remember what volume settings you prefer, and carry them over to the next day.
  • Updated the warning screen at the end of the Custom Mode menu to use stronger wording and make it abundantly clear what steps to follow in order to make sure that your Custom Mode data carries over to future builds of the game.
  • Previously, I tried to increase the character limit of a Custom Mode character’s bio from 150 characters to 200 characters. It didn’t work previously, but it should work now!
  • Added a "README" text file next to the game’s executable. Please read it so that you don’t wind up in a situation where you’ve lost your save data or custom mode data!
  • The white-and-gold "planters" on the school rooftop (the ones that replaced the grey water tanks that used to be on the rooftop) are now using better 3D models.
  • Because Honami is a shy character, she now performs the "meek, timid" variation of the "waving hello" animation when she sees you after you’ve befriended her.
  • Certain textures— the blackboards and some of the small lockers— now have better-looking, higher-resolution textures.

February 20th, 2024[]

  • One of Info-chan’s Schemes instructed the player to speak to "Budo, " but new players might not know who "Budo" is, so that Scheme text has been changed to refer to "the leader of the Martial Arts Club" instead of "Budo."
  • Juku Ren’s Task description instructed the player to bring him a dumbbell, but didn’t say where to find a dumbbell. To help new players, his Task description now mentions where the player can locate a dumbbell.
  • It is now possible to give a female character Osana’s hairstyle in Custom Mode.


March 1st, 2024[]

  • Characters will no longer carry pepper spray in any "Yakuza Mode" mission when the player is playing 1980s Mode Mission Mode. (This is because, in a mode where the player is allowed to run away from enemies, the player should not be forced into an automatic game over as soon as the chase ends.)
  • Horuda, Otohiko, and Hazu are more introverted than most other characters, so they now perform the "shy wave" animation instead of the exuberant and energetic wave animation performed by most other characters.
  • The Newspaper Club did not eat lunch at lunchtime in Mission Mode, which made it impossible to complete a mission that involved poisoning their food. From now on, they will eat at lunchtime in Mission Mode.
  • The sci-fi energy weapon in the Death Demon easter egg now makes sci-fi sound effects instead of "metal blade" sound effects.

March 15th, 2024[]

  • For a long time, rival characters would simply refuse to talk to the player if they hadn’t put their shoes on yet, or hadn’t put their bookbag on their desk yet. This was an attempt to prevent "kill rival early" exploits that involved befriending a rival and asking her for a Favor before she had even walked into the school building. However, it was an inelegant solution, since it just resulted in frustrating the player and making the player feel like rivals are almost never available to talk. From now on, it will be possible to talk to rivals and even accept Tasks from them before they’ve even walked into the school building— but they will still refuse to do Favors until after they’ve changed shoes and put their bookbag on their desk.
  • In order to join the delinquents, the player needs to meet a set of criteria. One of those criteria is to use the "Tough" Persona. However, the "Tough" Persona and the "Edgy" Persona both use the same stance, so a lot of players were failing to join the delinquents because they were using the Edgy Persona instead of the Tough Persona. From now on, the player can use either the Tough Persona or the Edgy Persona in order to meet the "correct Persona" criteria for talking to the delinquent leader. (The other criteria must still be met.)
  • New players couldn’t understand why the woodchipper wasn’t shredding dead bodies placed into it. Nothing inside of the game was informing them that they need to place an empty bucket in front of a woodchipper in order to activate it. So, from now on, a little notification informing the player to place an empty bucket in front of the woodchipper will appear when the player tries to use the woodchipper without a bucket.
  • If the player stands too close to a student, that student will feel uncomfortable and will begin deducting reputation points from you. This was too harsh. From now on, students will verbally express that you’re bothering them a few times before they start deducting points.
  • "Discord Rich Presence" has returned; if you play Yandere Simulator on a device where you are signed in to Discord, your Discord status should update to "Playing Yandere Simulator, " along with an icon representing the game.
  • During the "hair stylist recognizes you as a fellow serial killer and steps closer" moment, the pitch of the background music now shifts downwards over time to make the moment more unsettling.
  • When using the Flame Demon easter egg, students are now incapable of fighting back. This allows the player to enjoy the easter egg without worrying about getting a game over.
  • From now on, if you give Senpai the "Evil" Persona in Custom Mode, he (or she) will never give you a game over, no matter what he (or she) witnesses you doing.

March 16th, 2024[]

  • The confirmation window that appears when trying to activate the "Amai Challenge" has been updated to inform the player that the Amai Challenge’s functionality has been reduced and no longer offers a meaningful experience.
  • Re-arranged models in the Home Ec room to prevent pathfinding issues that were discovered while playtesting Amai.
  • A few lines of text that would constitute slight spoilers for Amai’s week have been removed from the game.


April 2nd, 2024[]

  • When investing study points into school subjects at classtime, the "Here’s what benefits you will gain from studying this school subject!" text has been updated to reflect the fact that upgrading your Language stat will make your anonymous love letters more effective.
  • A lot of players did not understand the difference between completing a rival’s Task and befriending a rival, so a "Progress Towards Friendship" message will now appear at the top of the screen whenever the player talks to a rival.
  • The player is not supposed to change clothing in Yakuza Mode, so I’ve removed the ability to switch outfits in the girls’ shower building in Yakuza Mode.
  • Pippi, Midori, and Mai now use a different idle animation. (Their previous idle animation, shared with the bullies, made them look too mean.)
  • Body-hiding lockers in the Alphabet Killer Challenge now have a cyan outline in Yandere Vision— and an orange outline when they are full.
  • It is now possible to mute and unmute the background music of Yakuza Mode by pressing the "m" key on your keyboard while at school.
  • Finally replaced the low-quality board models that some of the club advertisements were posted on.
  • The location of the bag of sugar has been moved from the Cooking Club to the Home Ec room.

Improved the texture of the green lockers that can be found in some of the school’s rooms.

  • The protagonist now wears an apron when she joins the Cooking Club.
  • A simple pause screen has been added to the street scene.

April 5th, 2024[]

  • Changes have been made to the way that water spills out of buckets when using the "Spill" feature. A stream of 10 puddles now pours out of the bucket over the course of 5 seconds, instead of one puddle appearing instantly. This makes it much easier and less time-consuming to make a "trail" of puddles.
  • From now on, Kokoro will use the "friendly" version of the phone addict idle animation when all of the other bullies have been killed.

April 15th, 2024[]

Walkable Home:

  • You can now leave Ayano’s room and walk around her home!
  • Once a week, Ryoba will send the player a postcard from whichever United States city she is currently in, and give her daughter an update on how her "overseas vacation" is going. You can find these weekly postcards on the ground near the front door’s mail slot.
  • Ryoba felt guilty about abruptly leaving her daughter all alone, so she stashed some money in hiding places around the house. It’s only possible to uncover these hiding places by reading Ryoba’s postcards.


  • Re-balanced the difficulty levels of the Martial Arts Club’s practice minigame. The highest difficulty level (Very Hard, Budo) was moving at 2x the speed of the actual delinquent combat minigame. It was pointless to allow the player to "practice" at a level that is 2x faster than anything they would actually encounter during gameplay, so the various difficulty levels were re-balanced.
  • The delinquent combat minigame (whether you’re fighting a delinquent or just practicing with the martial arts club) will now become slower if you have leveled up your Physical Education stat.
  • Updated the appearance of Ryoba’s kerchief and apron when she joins the 1980s Mode Cooking Club.


May 1st, 2024[]

  • Amai Odayaka has been officially released.
  • I’ve changed the routines that students use during Osana’s week. While Osana was the only rival, I wanted her difficulty to reflect the difficulty of a "mid-game rival." Now that there are two rivals in 202X Mode, Osana’s difficulty level has been reduced so that Amai’s difficulty can be higher by comparison. (Also, I feel that the characters’ routines in Week 1 should be the "default" routines that they had before Osana was added to the game.)
  • As the player walks through Ayano’s house, the camera angle will sometimes change when she exits a room. Previously, Ayano immediately rotated to face a new direction when moving from room to room. From now on, Ayano will now continue to face the direction that she was originally facing when the camera angle changed. Well, it’s a little difficult to explain with text, but just play it, and you’ll find out that it feels much better now.
  • From now on, if the player is in Custom Mode, the player will no longer see the heads of the 1980s Mode rivals, and will instead see a generic icon that represents the concept of a "rival."
  • Replaced the Aishi house environment with a new one. (The Osana befriend/betray cutscene has not yet been updated with the new environment model. That’ll happen in a future update.)
  • Updated several of the textures around the school, such as the floor of the gym stage, the walls around the school pool, and the stairs leading up to the school pool.
  • When the player is highlighting choices in the "Gift Shop" menu, a text box will now appear to let the player know what purpose the currently-selected item can serve.
  • 202X Mode now takes place in 2026. Dates, character birth years, and the phases of the moon during stealth missions have been updated accordingly.
  • Ayano’s feet now make different footstep sound effects depending on what kind of surface she is walking on inside of her home.
  • Student Council students now eat lunch in Mission Mode (to permit the player to complete "poison Student Council" missions).
  • I decided that Musume’s Task was lame, and replaced it with a new Task that I think is much better.
  • The Info-chan "Bounties" available during Osana’s week have been changed.
  • Updated Ajia's kerchief to match the color of her apron.

May 2nd, 2024[]

  • The "Week Select" feature is now accessible when starting a 202X Mode save file. This is so that you can quickly jump into Amai’s week without having to play Osana’s week first. (There may be bugs with this feature, since I never actually intended for it to exist outside of 1980s Mode.)
  • The remaining 202X rivals’ portraits have been updated.

May 3rd, 2024[]

  • From now on, the game will display a notification onscreen to inform the player of the reason why a student has stopped distracting another student.
  • The delinquent beat-em-up minigame FINALLY has a "walking sideways" animation. Now, when the characters move sideways, they actually perform a "walking sideways" animation instead of a "walking forwards" animation. Wow!! Incredible, right?!
  • Adjusted the colors of the 202X Cooking Club’s kerchiefs to match their aprons.
  • Ryoba’s "fixing broken toy" animation has been improved.

May 15th, 2024[]

  • The gym teacher will now react if she sees you messing with the "open/close school gate" button. She’s friendly and lenient, so she’ll tolerate it a little bit, but if you keep repeatedly opening/closing it, she’ll get upset and send you to the guidance counselor’s office.
  • Holding a candle from the Occult Club next to a stove with a gas leak will now cause an explosion that kills the player. (There is absolutely no good reason to do this, but it’s the logical outcome of an open flame next to a gas leak, so it’s in the game now.)
  • Senpai now wears the apron that Amai made him on Tuesday when he is preparing food on Wednesday. (In the event that the player ruined/replaced Amai’s apron on Tuesday, she makes him another one and gives it to him before school on Wednesday.)
  • Ayano is not intended to be able to learn Amai’s "Dark Secret" from her diary, and must obtain it by either eavesdropping on Amai’s phone conversation or buying it from Info-chan. The text inside of her diary has been adjusted to reflect this.
  • Previously, when a student is eating at the bake sale, they would perform an eating animation, but would have nothing in their hands. From now on, food will appear in their hands when they’re eating food at the bake sale.
  • Toga Tabara’s Bounty was inconsistent with his character, so it has been replaced with a new bounty that suits his personality more and requires a little bit of extra planning/effort from the player.
  • From now on, the low-sanity hallucinations that appear during Ayano’s week will reflect the appearance of the current rival rather than always being Osana regardless of who the current rival is.
  • Amai was supposed to have stubby eyebrows! It’s part of her character design; check her official artwork. I’ve given her the stubby eyebrows she was always meant to have.
  • Improved the artwork on the VHS cases in the 202X Week Select screen. (But the VHS tape aesthetic will probably be replaced with something more modern in the future.)
  • Slightly adjusted the position of Shiori Rikitake’s desk so that it’s not so easy for the player to sneakily snoop through a rival’s bookbag without being caught.
  • Because the Journalist is not present at school during the Alternate Timeline, his profile will no longer appear in the Student Info menu in that timeline.
  • From now on, when entering a Mission Mode mission, your current target’s student profile will already be available, right from the start of the day.
  • From now on, in any "Multi Mission" in Mission Mode, all of the targets’ student profiles will be unlocked from the start of the mission.
  • Sumire’s ghost now stares at Ayano instead of staring directly into Ayano’s phone. (More noticeable when you’re in Selfie Mode.)
  • Horo Guramu’s bounty has been updated. Now the player has to frame him as a pervert, rather than catch him being a pervert.
  • The "Senpai meets Kizana" cutscene now features original music, instead of re-purposing music from elsewhere in the game.
  • The dream sequence now has original music. (The previous music was one of the game’s other tracks played at 10% speed.)
  • Updated where the gym teacher stands as she watches students enter school (in 202X Week 1 and also 1980s Mode).
  • From now on, Osana will hang out with her boyfriend in Week #2 if she was matchmade in Week #1.
  • Improved the animation that Ryoba uses when using the copying machine for a 1980s Mode task.
  • Students will no longer become "living security cameras" if they are marked for bullying.
  • It is now possible to "Spy" on Amai’s morning events with Senpai. Not the other events.
  • Implemented new visuals for the "Info-chan texts Ayano about new rival" cutscene.
  • Replaced the background music that plays when Ayano Befriends or Betrays Amai.
  • From now on, un-selectable phone icons will not have a drop shadow.
  • Added a new "Schoolday" track to 202X. There are now 12 in total!
  • I very rarely ever change student likes/dislikes, but I’ve changed some of Kaga Kusha’s likes/dislikes to more accurately reflect how I actually imagine his personality. (It would not be in-character for him to enjoy video games. He considers video games to be "pacifiers" that cause people to become preoccupied with chasing meaningless virtual accomplishments rather than meaningful real-life achievements.)

May 17th, 2024[]

  • When the player studied in the library to pass time, students would not move, even though time was passing. The player could exploit this. From now on, students will move to their destinations whenever the player uses the "study in the library to pass time" feature.
  • Both of Info-chan’s "Provide Rival’s Secret" services will now get more expensive with each passing week. (For example, buying Osana’s dark secret costs 10 Info Points, but buying Amai’s dark secret costs 20 Info Points.)
  • In a previous build, I attempted to update the Cooking Club’s kerchiefs, but the textures didn’t change. I can confirm that, this time, the textures have actually been updated.
  • Kizana now wears unique clothing in the "Senpai meets Kizana" cutscene, instead of Kizana wearing a palette-swapped version of Amai’s casual clothing.
  • Improved the texture for the recipe that the player has to sabotage on Wednesday Week 2.
  • Updated 1980s and 202X student portraits.


June 1st, 2024[]

  • Sometimes, a bug occurs that causes the game to recall old save data on a new save file. For example, the game might recall Genocide Ending data on a new save file, leading it to believe that all students should be dead on Day 1 of Week 1. I am not sure exactly why this bug occurs; nobody has ever found a set of steps that reliably cause the bug to occur. However even though I don’t know the cause of the bug, there is a solution: it is possible to force the game to forget absolutely all save data, past and present, by going to the Content Checklist screen and pressing the "R" key, which summons a hidden debug feature: the ability to completely remove all Yandere Simulator data from your computer’s registry. Tragically, this included all of the Content Checklist progress that the player had made…until today! From now on, when using the "wipe the registry" command, the game will remember only one piece of information: your Content Checklist progress. This means that, even if you get hit by the "All students are dead on Day 1 of Week 1" bug, and you have to use the "wipe the registry" debug command, you won’t lose your precious Content Checklist progress. Hooray! (You can still wipe the content checklist using a separate debug command on the content Checklist screen, if you wish to.)
  • One method for learning a student’s likes/dislikes is to ask them to follow you, and then take them to various places around the school. For example, taking them inside of the Cooking Club would teach you their opinion about Cooking. However, if a club shut down, this method of learning a student’s interests became impossible. The code has been adjusted so that, in the event of a club shutting down passing nearby the club is enough to learn a student’s opinion on that club (but you do have to walk as close to the club as physically possible).
  • There are 25 "conversation topics" in the game, and each student has 5 likes and 5 dislikes. Due to an oversight, it was actually impossible for the player to learn how a student felt about three of those topics— Family, Nature, and Money. It is now possible to learn how a student feels about Family by taking them to the Home Ec room, Nature by taking them to the Gardening Club, and Money by taking them to the Drama club.
  • There were images of Raibaru painting and cooking in one of my YouTube videos. The likes/dislikes in her profile reflected an appreciation for cooking, but not art. Her likes/dislikes have been shifted around a little bit to make room for her to have a positive opinion of art.
  • If Gema changes his appearance in the morning, the bully girls will check him out at lunchtime. And if Gema changes his appearance at lunchtime, the bully girls will check him out after cleaning time.
  • Ryuto now has thick eyebrows, as a nod to the fact that, when he was originally added to the game, he had very large, exaggerated anime eyebrows.
  • Previously, LoveSick Mode turned characters’ hair color black. Now, it turns characters’ hair greyscale and dark.
  • Amai and Kizana now have footstep sound effects in the "Senpai meets Amai" and "Senpai meets Kizana" cutscenes.
  • In Yakuza Mode, it is now possible to use the "Pass Time" book in the school library even if Ryoba is bloody.
  • Pedestrians in town now have original face textures instead of using the same face textures as teachers.
  • The "Feed List" has been re-named to the "Catering List, " because "Feed List" sounded goofy.
  • Updated the "mysterious silhouette" portrait used by Amai before she appears at school.
  • The delinquents’ radio will now stop playing music when Ayano is in SNAP Mode.
  • Kizana now wears sunglasses in the "Senpai meets Kizana" cutscenes.
  • The color of Aija’s hair bobbles now matches her apron.
  • Adjusted some of Itachi’s likes/dislikes.

June 15th, 2024[]

  • The way that students respond to gossip has been slightly adjusted. The amount of reputation that is deducted from the player while gossiping is now dependent on the student’s feelings towards gossip.
  • It is now possible to walk around in Ayano’s backyard!
  • Amai will now appear at the title screen in a fashion that represents the method that the player used to eliminate her!
  • I’ve updated the look-and-feel of the "Choosing which tutorial to do with Kokona" menu screen!
  • From now on, in Custom Mode, the player will get a bonus during social interactions if they share the same animation set as the student they are talking to. (For example, if the player is using the "Shy" Persona and talking to a student with "Shy" animations, they’ll get a bonus.)
  • It didn’t make sense for delinquents to use the same "friendly and grateful" dialogue as normal students when accepting money from the player, so delinquents now have different dialogue for that circumstance.
  • From now on, if a character in a couple sees the corpse of their boyfriend/girlfriend, they will react to it the same way that Senpai reacts to a rival’s corpse. (Animations only, no subtitles.)
  • The "Pass Time Book" is no longer available after 4:31 PM on Fridays, since using it after that period of time could interfere with the game’s ability to activate the confession sequence.
  • Bullies will no longer wear scrunchies on their wrist if they are wearing long-sleeved school uniforms. (They will only wear the scrunchies if their uniform is short-sleeved.)
  • The photograph that Info-chan sends Ayano at the end of Week 2 has been updated so that Kizana is wearing her new outfit instead of her old outfit.
  • It is now possible to restore Ryuto’s original hairstyle. To do so, you must activate debug commands and then type "O S U" three times.
  • It is now possible to enable/disable Challenges and choose difficulty options before you start a Custom Mode playthrough.
  • From now on, gifting a student money will cause the player to learn how that student feels about the topic of money.
  • Raibaru will now warn Osana about water cooler tripwire traps. (Raibaru is perceptive enough to notice the traps.)
  • From now on, gifting a student money will not increase the "Friendship Bar" if that student dislikes money.
  • The tasks for the rivals of 1989 now have unique icons (instead of black silhouettes).
  • Water will no longer spill out of a bucket if there is no ground directly beneath it.
  • Amai now has thick eyebrows in the "Amai meets Senpai" cutscene.


July 1st, 2024[]

  • Previously, the process for expelling Amai from school was identical to the process of expelling any 1980s Mode rival— report her for alcohol, condoms, cigarettes, theft, and cheating. Recycling a process from elsewhere in the game was boring, and was one of the things that contributed to Amai’s week feeling "cheap."

So, I’ve decided to commit to giving all 202X rivals a unique expulsion process that is connected to their personal identity. Amai is a cook— so, in order to get her expelled from school, the player is now required to frame her for violating school rules that a cook should never violate.

  • From now on, when dismembering a female student, the torso that appears will reflect the school uniform that the player has chosen, instead of only the default uniform. (Some texture errors are currently occurring; they will be fixed in a future update.) (Faculty members still wear school uniforms when dismembered.)
  • From now on, pressing the escape key at the title screen will close the application immediately. (You can now close the game without having to choose a gameplay mode, wait for the camera to move to the fountain, etc.)
  • When pausing the game during a Befriend/Betray stealth mission (like the Osana stalker house mission or the Amai rival bakery mission) it is now possible to restart the mission or just return home.
  • There are a lot of students in Class 3-2 that would refuse to tolerate the sight of bullying. So, from now on, Musume won’t bully anyone in Class 3-2 until everyone else has left the classroom.
  • The post-processing effects in the "rival walks to school with Senpai" cutscene were configured improperly. The cutscene should now look much better.
  • The player will now hear the sound of police sirens gradually becoming louder when the police are less than 60 seconds away from the school.
  • The music that plays at the Custom Mode menu now fades in smoothly, instead of immediately blasting at full volume from frame 1.
  • Miyuji now removes her piercings when she "returns to normal" after her club gets shut down.
  • It is now possible to view the "Stats" screen from the 202X Mode Calendar screen.
  • Improved the texture of the grass/ground in the stalker house stealth mission.
  • Slightly tweaked Shiromi’s likes/dislikes.
  • Slightly tweaked Kokoro’s likes/dislikes.
  • Slightly tweaked Moeko’s likes/dislikes.
  • Updated Saki Miyu’s textures.

July 15th, 2024[]

  • A street filled with stores was added to Yandere Simulator back in October of 2017— but even after all these years, several of those stores still lack functionality! This has bothered me for a very long time, so I’ve decided to finally make one of those stores completely functional— the Hardware Store!

You can now purchase all 10 of these items from the Hardware Store! This means that the game now has 3 new functioning weapons— the hammer, pickaxe, and sledgehammer. Anything you buy from the Hardware Store will appear in the shed in the protagonist’s backyard.

  • Players who are pursuing the "Genocide Ending" frequently use the radio, and have complained that the loud and obnoxious radio music becomes very annoying when they need to use the radio dozens of times in a short period. So, I’ve given the player the ability to decide what music plays from the radio. Drop a file named radio.ogg into the StreamingAssets/Music folder, and you can now decide for yourself what music comes out of the radio at school. Make it play Beethoven’s Moonlit Sonata, Cardi B’s WAP, or anything else that your heart desires. Even a track that is completely silent and only lasts for 1 second.
  • If Osana and Kyuji were in a relationship, and Raibaru approached Osana (while she was with Kyuji) to tell her that a killer was present at school, Raibaru and Osana would flee school, but Kyuji would just stand there. From now on, Kyuji will run out of school, too, if he overhears Raibaru telling Osana that a killer is at school.
  • Sakyu, Saki, Midori, and the 5 bully girls can be seen posting on the social media page accessed from Ayano’s computer at home. From now on, if any of those characters are dead, they will no longer be seen posting on social media. (Anonymous people will post in their place.)
  • The "Taro meets Kizana" cutscene now takes place in an original environment instead of the same environment where Taro met Amai. In the future, I may further improve the production values of this scene (more variety in the pedestrians walking around, etc).
  • The curtains of the school gym can now animate open/closed. This functionality will be used during Kizana’s week. (There is a hidden button prompt somewhere on the gym stage that allows you to test the opening/closing functionality! Can you find it?)
  • From now on, if one of Info-chan’s bounties cannot be completed because a character relevant to that bounty is dead, Info-chan’s bounty screen will display a message stating that no bounty is available.
  • The walkway above the school gym has been raised 2 meters higher. (This resulted in a lot of changes to the architecture of the interior and the exterior of the school gym.)
  • When starting a Custom Mode playthrough, it is now possible to use the Difficulty Options menu to decide if "Invincible" students can be fought after upgrading the PE stat.
  • The food models at Amai’s bake sale are now unique models, instead of models that have been repurposed from elsewhere in the game.
  • The "Censor Panties" option will now also censor the protagonist’s panties when they are in town and wearing a skirt.
  • Jokichi now uses an idle animation and walk animation that should be a better match for his personality.
  • Replaced the 3D models for the photography props in the Photography clubroom.
  • Improved the texture for the recipe that Amai gives to Senpai.
  • Added voice lines for the 1980s Mode suitors.
  • Restored Sakura’s original eye color.


August 1st, 2024[]

  • A new student task.
    • One of the female students at school now offers a unique Task. After completing their Task, the new elimination method becomes available on the following day.
  • A new elimination method.
    • The new elimination method involves a "character" who has been present in the school building since July 1st of 2018. However, this character does not appear on the Student Info page.
      • When you gain access to the new elimination method, you’ll notice something: there are 4 buttons, and currently, only one is available. The other 3 buttons might be given functionality in the future so that this feature can offer other utility, such as causing a distraction or something along those lines.
      • After completing the student’s Task, her routine changes on subsequent days. It also changes again after you’ve used the elimination method once. I hope that you take the time to observe her in all of these different circumstances!
  • A new basement tape.
    • A new basement tape has been added to the game: Tape #2. This tape has taken the place of Tape #10 in Ayano’s basement. (This means that it appears after kidnapping two students.)
      • The new basement tape uses a different format than the rest of the game’s tapes. (Instead of audio, the new basement track uses the visual novel system that was introduced on January 5th.) I added a lot of new functionality to the visual novel system (the ability to make images fade in and out, the ability to make the screen shake, the ability to change font size for specific messages) so that key moments can have more dramatic impact. I hope you enjoy it!
  • A new club benefit.
    • For a long time, I’ve felt that the game’s club benefits need to be re-balanced. Some are useful, while others are redundant or nearly useless! Instead of re-balancing them all in one massive update, I’ll be re-balancing them a little bit at a time. The first club to get a buff is…the Occult Club! Joining the Occult Club now grants you access to a black robe that is functionally identical to a raincoat, but is not considered suspicious (unless you’re armed/bloody/insane) because everyone assumes it’s just part of the Occult Club’s silly little rituals, which are viewed as harmless roleplaying by most of the school population.
  • A new dream.
    • I know that this aspect of the game didn’t get very many votes in the "What do you want YandereDev to work on next?" survey, but it was important to me (and it took less than one day to implement) so I took the time to add it to the game: a new "Dream" is now available! To experience it, purchase the "Outlander Ramen" from the ramen shop in town.
      • You’ll also notice that a small amount of new functionality has been added to Dreams: it is now possible to tilt the camera up and down while having a Dream. This is because some of the things that appear in Dreams might be very tall (or lying on the ground) making it difficult to see them clearly without the ability to look up/down at them.
  • If the "Raibaru defends herself against an attack" animation was triggered adjacent to a wall, the characters/camera could clip into a nearby wall. This looked really ugly. In the past, I’ve tried various solutions, but each of them had downsides. In the end, the solution I’ve chosen is to rely on an artistic choice that appears many times throughout the game— depicting the characters floating in a black void (like in the game over screen, the police investigation sequence, the "low reputation game over, " etc). If the player attacks Raibaru anywhere that would cause the characters/camera to clip into nearby walls, the characters will simply be teleported to a black void to perform the animation.
  • From now on, when the player is playing 1980s Mode Mission Mode, the rat poison in the gardening club shed and the emetic poison crafted in the Chemistry Lab will both be worth 5 poisons instead of 1 poison. This means that the player can now acquire up to 10 emetic poisons in 1980s Mode Mission Mode, enabling "poison 10 students" missions.
  • It is no longer possible to kill Osana just a few steps away from Raibaru by doing it just slightly around a corner, barely outside of Raibaru’s sight. (As long as it’s within 4 meters,) Raibaru will now deduce that the sound of a physical struggle in Osana’s direction is clearly the sound of Osana being murdered, and react accordingly.
  • The weapon behind the gardening club shed— originally named "Old Axe"— has been re-named to "Nata" because that’s the specific word used to describe that type of traditional Japanese cleaver. Also, it can now be found embedded in a tree trunk, because that’s better than just leaving it leaning up against the side of a building.
  • If the player has the "Small weapons break after one use" difficulty option activated, and is holding a broken weapon, but has a non-broken weapon in their inventory or bag, and is being attacked by a Hero, the protagonist will now automatically switch to the non-broken weapon.
  • It is now possible to change the music that plays during Custom Mode cutscenes by replacing the file named "bgm.wav" in the cutscene folders. Obviously, the new track needs to be named "bgm" and be a .wav file.
  • From now on, if you activate the Alphabet Killer Challenge in Custom Mode, the game will detect the alphabetical order of your characters’ custom names, and will require you to kill them in that order.
  • It is now possible to access the Hardware Menu from the protagonist’s bedroom door. This means that Ryoba is now able to access the hardware that she buys from the Hardware Store in 1989.
  • Police sirens will no longer play if the player has an easter egg active, since the player cannot face police consequences for their actions when easter eggs are active.
  • From now on, if a student dies on Friday, there will no longer be a memorial on the following Monday. Instead, their memorial will simply take place over the weekend.
  • Finally fixed issues with Mai and Kiba’s hair acting really weird whenever they sat down and angled their heads downwards (to read a book or eat from a bento).
  • Students will no longer investigate suspicious noises coming from the faculty room, because they know that they’re not allowed inside of there.
  • There is now more variety in hair color and clothing color among the NPCs that spawn and walk down the street in the "Taro meets Kizana" scene.
  • Hana’s profile states that she spends all day playing games on her phone, so her likes/dislikes have been tweaked to include video games.
  • Rival characters will now refuse to pull a box cutter out of a box for the player unless the player has befriended them first.
  • A lot of players felt that were way too few treats on the trays at Amai’s bake sale, so I increased the number of treats.
  • Updated the voice lines for the "here’s an example of the type of cutscene that you can make" cutscenes in Custom Mode.
  • The exterior of the theater in the "Senpai meets Kizana" environment is now decorated with film posters.
  • Amai now performs a "carrying gift bag" animation as part of her "creating apron for Senpai" animation.
  • Occult Club students now perform a different animation when investigating mysteries around school.
  • It is now possible to choose any of the 3 new "Hardware Store" weapons in Mission Mode.
  • Slightly improved Amai’s appearance on the title screen for her "Befriend" elimination.
  • The student council will no longer dodge bucket traps in 1980s Mode Mission Mode.
  • There are now moving clouds in the sky in the "Senpai meets Kizana" environment.

August 2nd, 2024[]

  • After the player programs Homu Kurusu’s robot to commit murder and self-destruct, Homu will now use a "depressed" walk/idle animation on all subsequent days.
  • The default Custom Mode voice lines were too quiet, so they have been made louder.

August 5th, 2024[]

  • It is now possible for Ayano to approach the stove in her home, cook a meal, and eat it for breakfast!
  • For years, the Light Music Club girls have been using the same portrait poses as the bully girls. Their portrait poses have now been changed to unique poses. (They may be tweaked further in the future.)
  • In Magical Girl Pretty Miyuki, "Magical Mode" just got a bit easier— the player now has 5 health instead of 3 health.
  • From now on, if the player gets a game over while police sirens can be heard, the police sirens will fade to silence.
  • Horo’s tablet will no longer be present on his desk if he is currently holding it in his hands.

August 15th, 2024[]

  • The previous "robot kills student by ripping out their heart" animation was actually created by re-purposing an animation from elsewhere in the game; it was one of Ayano’s "SNAP Mode" animations. It has been replaced by a new, original animation.
  • Two of Amai’s events recycled a "celebrating after music performance" animation. This animation has now been replaced by two new animations that are more appropriate for Amai’s sweet and gentle personality.
  • The woman standing outside of the maid cafe in 1980s Mode is now smiling. It wouldn’t make sense for her to look all frown-y and unfriendly, when her job is to attract customers to the cafe.
  • From now on, the 2D illustrations of Ayano and Ryoba at the title screen will be bloody if the player visits the title screen when their most recent save file is at Low School Atmosphere.
  • The watering cans on gardening club members now use different shaders that are more appropriate for the anime-like art style of the game.
  • Two rivals from 1980s Mode— Sumiko and Ritsuko— have had their socks adjusted to be more accurate to their official artwork.
  • It is now possible for the player to carry multiple lockpicks, instead of being limited to just one lockpick at a time.
  • Replaced the placeholder "Ayano eats breakfast at home" animation with a much better-looking animation.
  • It is now possible for the player to conceal a human heart inside of a bookbag.
  • Updated Kaga’s eye texture to be more accurate to his official artwork.
  • Updated Uekiya’s eye shape to match her official artwork more closely.
  • Updated Sakyu’s eye shape to match her official artwork more closely.
  • Updated Amai’s eye shape to match her official artwork more closely.
  • Kaguya’s pink socks now match her hair color.

August 18th, 2024[]

  • To keep the theme of everything in 1980s Mode being a throwback to the original content of Yandere Simulator from 2014~2015, the texture of the school incinerator will now change in 1980s Mode to more closely resemble the original incinerator texture.
  • Info-chan’s Schemes menu now features unique icons for the various "Eliminate Raibaru" Schemes.
  • The Content Checklist icons now feature Osana instead of Raibaru!
  • Updated Amai’s student portrait.


September 1st, 2024[]

  • New Tasks for Kenko, Ajia and Seiyo.
  • Some players encounter bugs at the screen where the game lets you choose your screen resolution; the game enters windowed mode with a resolution of 0x0 pixels, the game is unable to exit windowed mode, etc. A debug command has been added to the screen where the player chooses their screen resolution: if you mash the "R" key 10 times, all Yandere Simulator data will be wiped from your computer’s registry. This command may allow players to escape the "stuck at 0x0 resolution" or "can’t exit windowed mode" bugs.
  • If the protagonist walks around with a mop outside of Cleaning Time, other characters will identify the protagonist as suspicious / misbehaving, and she could even get sent to the guidance counselor. However, an adjustment has been made: If the protagonist is using a mop to clean a puddle of water, she will not be considered suspicious. However, after cleaning the puddle of water, she will once again be considered "suspicious" if she continues to carry the mop around for no apparent reason.
  • Some players are fascinated by Kaga’s original concept art. If you’re a fan of this design, there is now a way to see Kaga use this hairstyle in the game: while at school, type "D E B U G" and then type "N O S T A L G I A", and Kaga’s hairstyle will change to the one from his original concept art! (Note: There is currently a bug that causes some of the polygons in his hair to appear as solid black. This will hopefully be fixed in the next build.)
  • As an optimization trick, if the player was more than 50 meters away from the school plaza, the plaza would not render. However, this means that players who looked towards the plaza from 50 meters away would just see solid green (the color of the grass beyond the school). This was unsightly, so now the player will see a low-resolution screenshot of the school plaza when looking towards it from more than 50 meters away.
  • Previously, when two students were in a relationship, they would leave school early to go spend more time with one another. This was romantic, but also made them poorly-behaved students who were skipping out on cleaning duties, so couples will no longer leave school before cleaning time is over.
  • In-game, Miyuji was playing a red guitar, but in her official artwork, she is playing a black guitar. Her guitar’s texture has been updated to be consistent with her official artwork. (The color of her guitar is actually related to her backstory/lore/the reason why she became a musician.)
  • When the player tries to send Homu’s robot to kill a student who is not a valid target because they are busy in an event, a "BUSY! TRY AGAIN LATER!" error message will appear over that target to let the player know that there is a reason why they are not currently valid.
  • Amai now brings more food with her to her Thursday picnic event. Also, the player can now see her physically carrying the food that she’s bringing to the picnic, instead of the food magically popping into existence once she reaches the picnic.
  • From now on, characters will no longer shove you within 5 seconds of classtime ending. This means that when you stand up out of your seat and run out of class, you are no longer at risk of running into a delinquent who will shove you.
  • Previously, it was possible to repeatedly ask a student to follow you an infinite number of times. Now, a student will only follow you twice, and then will refuse to follow you anymore until the phase of the day has advanced forward.
  • After the player attended class, the "Attend Class" button prompt would not be visible again unless the player moved, requiring players to take a step before they could attend class again. This bug has been fixed.
  • From now on, when bringing the remote explosive to school, the player will transport it in a duffel bag and spawn next to it (instead of the explosive appearing near the lockers without explanation).
  • Previously, when two students were in a relationship, they would not eat lunch, choosing instead to cuddle together. This was odd, so couples will now eat food together at lunchtime.
  • It is no longer possible to "cheese" the struggle minigame by mashing all 4 buttons. You are now required to press only the correct button, and none of the others. Sorry.
  • You might think that something about the interior of Ayano’s home has changed, but it definitely hasn’t changed. It’s definitely the same as always. Definitely…
  • From now on, eliminated rivals will no longer have the "Lovestruck" Persona when you are viewing their Persona while inside of the protagonist’s bedroom.
  • Horuda Puresu no longer reacts negatively to the sight of the player murdering a bully. She now performs the "Evil" reaction, as Yui Rio once did.
  • The delinquents will no longer attend Amai’s bake sale, because buying sweets and pastries doesn’t match their "tough guy" personas.
  • If the player interrupts one of Amai’s events using a stink bomb, Amai will now say a line of dialogue acknowledging the smell.
  • The kotatsu in the Gaming Club is no longer sitting on top of a carpet, since a carpet is already part of the kotatsu’s model.
  • One of the Light Music Club’s guitars had a low-quality texture; it has been replaced with a new, higher-quality texture.
  • Slightly adjusted Itachi’s likes/dislikes to be more consistent with statements I’ve made about him in the past.
  • The kotatsu in the Gaming Club now has a texture that matches the Gaming Club’s color scheme.
  • Improved the texture for the "Catering List" hanging on the wall in the Cooking Club.
  • Amai now uses her new idle animation in the Befriend/Betray visual novel cutscene.
  • The chalkboard in the Meeting Room now has drawings on it.
  • Updated the textures for the furniture in the drama club.
  • Updated the texture for Amai’s phone case.
  • Updated the texture for Amai’s bookbag.
  • Updated Himari’s hair texture.
  • Updated Kenko’s hair model.
  • Updated Sakura’s hairstyle.
  • Updated Miyuji’s stockings.
  • New social media app.

September 3rd, 2024[]

  • If the player commits murder in front of a Coward student and then speaks to that student on any subsequent day, that student will speak a "terrified of the player" line of dialogue. However, if the player tried to talk to the Coward again after this, the Coward would begin reciting the lines of Sleuth students who are angry with the player and hold a grudge against the player. This angry dialogue has been replaced with new fearful dialogue that feels much more appropriate for a Coward that is afraid of a killer.
  • It is no longer possible to hold a student in one spot indefinitely by repeatedly asking them for a Task and repeatedly rejecting the Task. From now on, students will get offended if you reject their Task twice, and will refuse to talk to you about it until after the phase of the day has changed (Classtime/Lunchtime/Cleaning Time, etc).
  • Previously, the player was able to hear the sound of a musician playing an instrument even if that musician was on the floor above/below the player. This is no longer the case; the player will now only hear a musician playing an instrument if that musician is on the same floor as the player.
  • Previously, Meka’s hair did not have physics, so it would clip into her body when she was running. Her hair has been updated with physics.
  • It is now possible to start your Custom Mode playthrough by entering the Week Select screen and choosing a specific week to start on.
  • Updated all student portraits for students whose portraits no longer reflected their in-game appearance.
  • Updated Sakura’s eye texture.

September 15th, 2024[]

  • New Social Media Feature.
  • In order to have a conversation with Amai about the rival bakery owner who is sabotaging her family’s bakery, the player must now obtain two pieces of information instead of just one. One piece of information is learned by eavesdropping on her phone call, and the other piece of information is learned by cyberstalking her private, friends-only, password-protected blog. (You gain access to this blog by completing Saki’s Task and then asking Saki about Amai.) A few of Amai’s dialogue lines (during her phone conversation and her "explain problem to Ayano" conversation) have been adjusted to reflect these changes. Additionally, Amai’s Student Info profile will now display the information that you’ve learned about her.
  • Shoku’s Task has been changed. Instead of asking you to learn Amai’s likes and dislikes, he now wants you to obtain all 4 of Amai’s social media usernames for him. Because this requires more time and effort than his previous task, Amai’s Matchmaking elimination method is now a bit more time-consuming and difficult than it was before.
  • Kenko, Seiyo, Ajia, and Saki now use unique idle/walk animations, instead of using the defaults. this gives them a lot more personality!
  • It’s only supposed to be possible to achieve the Genocide Ending on Monday of Osana’s Week. It’s not supposed to be possible to get it on any subsequent week. The premise of the ending is "Ayano just kills everyone as soon as possible" and that premise breaks if she waits a week to do it. So, from now on, the player can only get the Genocide Ending if she’s doing it on Day 1 of Week 1; it’s no longer possible during Amai’s week.
  • The player will now be presented with a "Content Warning" screen after setting their resolution. I have always hated these screens, but, sadly, there are a lot of good reasons why they are necessary. I think that the current design of the screen is very ugly, and I may tweak it in the future.
  • When Ayano/Ryoba is using Yandere Vision, her eyes glow red. However, this effect was absent from the Befriend/Betray stealth missions. The player will now see Ayano/Ryoba’s eyes glowing red when she is using Yandere Vision during those missions.
  • From now on, the VHS tapes at the Custom Mode "Week Select" screen will show male and female silhouettes (depending on what gender the player has designed a custom rival to be) instead of the 1980s Mode rivals.
  • Characters who have been traumatized by the experience of being kidnapped will now longer revert back to their default cheerful animations when the player speaks to them.
  • Players with low-end computers can now disable shadows in town by pausing the game with the escape key or enter key and then using the "Toggle Shadows On/Off" option.
  • In the Student Info menu, dead characters now have a Japanese-style black "funeral frame" around their portraits.
  • In the Student Info menu, kidnapped characters now have a shadow over their portraits.
  • Updated Nemesis’ hair model so that it looks more like her concept artwork.
  • Updated the eye textures for the Martial Arts Club and also Miyuji.


October 1st, 2024[]

  • Some users have reported a low framerate in the Dream sequences. This is puzzling to me, because those scenes are sparse, with extremely few models or scripts present. Even the Unity Profiler doesn’t show anything especially taxing occurring in those scenes. To determine the source of the problem through process of elimination, I have added a new debug command: press the "P" key in the Dream scenes to disable post-processing effects. If the low framerate persists even with post-processing effects disabled, then that will help me to narrow down the cause of the bug.
  • Previously, if the protagonist was a member of the Sports Club, characters would not react negatively to the sight of the player carrying a spiked baseball bat. From now on, characters will think that a spiked baseball bat is frightening regardless of whether or not you’re in the Sports Club.
  • Previously, if a character witnessed the protagonist carrying around a spiked baseball bat, they would react to it with the same line of dialogue as reacting to a normal bat. Characters will now say a different line of dialogue if the bat is covered in nails.
  • If the player aimed their camera at Osana, Raibaru would stand between Osana and the player, blocking the shot. Raibaru will now stand behind Osana and pose, like she wants to be included in the photo— just in the background instead of the foreground.
  • Most players probably won’t notice without the aid of third-party tools that let you navigate through a game environment with a free-flying camera, but the textures used by Amai in her "Title Screen Eliminations" have been updated.
  • From now on, if Ayano is a member of the Cooking Club, it will not be considered suspicious to see her tamper with the ingredients for Amai’s bake sale; other students will simply assume that she is adding sugar or something.
  • Updated the Gardening Club’s watering cans. Their watering cans now reflect the color of their hair accessories, rather than their hair colors.
  • Students’ eyes now shrink in horror when a robot rips out their heart, instead of retaining completely normal eyes.
  • There is now an "Are You Sure?" confirmation window when using the "Reset Data" feature in Custom Mode.
  • Shin’s sad idle and sad walk have been added to Custom Mode’s selection of male idle/walk animations.
  • Reverted Kuu, Saki, and Himari’s hair textures to previous, higher-quality versions.
  • Updated the appearance of Nemesis’ hair again.
  • Amai’s profile has been updated to feature the "Driven to Murder" artwork that was created for her in October of 2017.
  • Kiyoko Tatsuhara’s profile has been updated to be much longer and more detailed.
  • New "Driven to Murder" artwork has been created for Osana Najimi’s profile.
  • New "Driven to Murder" artwork has been created for Oka Ruto’s profile.
  • Kokona Haruka has been added to the Characters page.
  • Raibaru Fumetsu’s artwork has been updated.
  • When typing "ChessterTrap" while at school, Senpai will now transform into a fan’s OC, ChessterTrap!

October 9th, 2024[]

  • Yandere Simulator’s mirrors reflect the environment in real-time. These mirrors are disabled whenever the player is not nearby them, to prevent the player’s computer from doing any unnecessary rendering. However, some players were encountering a low framerate whenever any mirrors were active. So, a new option has been added to the Settings menu: it is now possible to disable mirrors. (This setting will also be used to disable monitors that display a real-time video feed, if such monitors are proven to lower framerate, as well.)
  • Previously, characters would react to pools of blood, blood-stained weapons, corpses, and severed limbs, but would completely refuse to acknowledge bloody clothing on the ground. From now on, characters will react to bloody clothing as well as the other things mentioned above.
  • If you are getting a low framerate in the "Dream" sequences, press the "L" key on your keyboard to lower the camera’s draw distance, which may improve the framerate for you. You can lower the draw distance up to 9 times; after that, it will reset back to default.
  • Killing someone with a shovel will no longer result in being splattered with blood (because the victim is being attacked with the blunt part of the weapon).
  • Killing someone with a pickaxe will now result in being splattered with blood (because the victim is being attacked with the sharp part of the weapon).
  • As a test, short blunt weapons no longer cause the player to become bloody. If this ruins the game’s difficulty balance, it will be reverted.
  • Delinquents will no longer pick up trash during Cleaning Time, because they’re too hardcore for that.
  • The "return to title screen from town" feature now includes an "Are you sure?" confirmation screen.

October 12th, 2024[]

  • Previously, if a student tried to investigate a sound that came from the other side of a locked door, they would just walk into the locked door forever, unable to ever reach their destination. From now on, the game will check if a student is "stuck" and make the student end their investigation early if it’s apparent that they can’t reach their destination.
  • There are now 6 laptops in Classroom 2-2 to represent the 6 students who are enrolled at Akademi, will not be present for a few weeks, but still remotely attend classes. These laptops will disappear whenever the absent student returns to school (for example, Amai). (The graphics on the laptop screens may change in the future.)
  • From now on, if the player chooses to complete any of Kokona’s tutorials before starting their 202X playthrough, each completed tutorial will slightly boost Kokona’s friendship bar. Completing all 15 of Kokona’s tutorials will send her friendship bar to 100/100 before the player has even reached Monday of Week 1.
  • Due to the way Amai’s stockings were textured, the "seams" in her stockings were extremely obvious. Those seams should now be way less obvious, or perhaps even not noticeable at all.
  • Adjusted Amai’s "default face shape" so that her facial expressions shouldn’t look so "glitchy" anymore.
  • Nemesis’ portrait has been updated to reflect her new hair model.
  • Dora’s hair now has physics.

October 21st, 2024[]

  • The 1980s Revamp is complete!
  • In Custom Mode, if the player chooses "Explosion" as the canon elimination method of a rival but doesn’t enable the Yakuza, it would be impossible to eliminate that rival. From now on, the game will detect this, and force the Yakuza to be enabled under those circumstances.
  • Nemesis’ socks no longer have a red stripe on them, since that’s not how they look in her official illustration.
  • Added a new Schoolday track to 202X Mode! There are now 13 "Schoolday" tracks in total!
  • Updated the hair model of Tsuruzo, the 202X Drama Club leader.
  • Slightly re-arranged Musume and Kokoro’s likes and dislikes.
  • All of the new hair models that were created for male and female characters as part of the 1980s Mode Revamp are now available in Custom Mode!
  • A new Stocking type (rolled-up socks) is now available for female characters in Custom Mode!
  • 10 new eye shapes are now available for female characters in Custom Mode!
  • 4 new accessories are now available for female characters in Custom Mode!
  • 4 new accessories are now available for male characters in Custom Mode!

October 22nd, 2024[]

  • The "absent student laptops" in Classroom 2-2 are now using more appropriate textures (but in the future, they’ll be updated again with graphics of the rivals attending class through webcam).
  • Made a slight tweak to Sonoko’s hair model to make it more accurate to her official artwork.
  • Slightly adjusted the size/shape of Shinako’s hairstyle.

October 31st, 2024[]

  • New cutscene with Sakyu and Inkyu Basu.
  • New pumpkin head Easter Egg.
  • Revamped version of the Basu sisters, with new, original appearances and idles.
  • The player can wear gloves while wearing a gym uniform or swimsuit.
  • Amai’s suitor will now remove his kerchief (the cloth on top of his head) if the player instructs him to change his hairstyle, since the kerchief would have hidden his new hairstyle from view.
  • Jokichi, the "Rainbow Girls, " the "Rainbow Boys, " the Cooking Club, the Drama Club, and the Light Music Club are now all posing in their student portraits.
  • Club Accessories will no longer appear on characters in Custom Mode, since they might not suit the characters that the player has designed.
  • Amai’s Suitor now has unique "ponytail" and "slicked back" hair model variations, instead of re-purposing Kyuji’s hair model variations.
  • A few small tweaks have been made to several 1980s Mode students. Adjustments to their hair textures, etc.
  • Mantaro will no longer respond positively to gossip about Budo because he admires and respects Budo.
  • Riku will no longer respond positively to gossip about Kokona because he has a crush on her.
  • Updated the textures for the red trees and leaves around the zen gardens.
  • Updated Budo’s eye texture to make it more accurate to his official artwork.
  • Updated the scrubber texture to match the color scheme of the mop.
  • Updated the models of the planters on the school rooftop.
  • Updated the texture of the "Mr Peter" vending machines.
  • Updated the texture of the fridge in the Cooking Club.
  • Reverted Chojo’s hair model to a previous iteration.
  • Updated the texture for the school’s light switches.
  • Updated the texture of the drinking fountains.
  • Adjusted Kenko’s likes/dislikes.


November 15th, 2024[]

  • New Protagonist Customization.
  • The music that plays during Mission Mode is now randomly chosen from the set of 10 Mission Mode tracks, instead of being the same track every time. (Remember, you can use the Audio Settings menu to change the track that is playing during Mission Mode. So, if you don’t like the randomly chosen track that starts playing at the beginning of your mission, you can simply skip it.)
  • The "Missing Posters" feature is back! From now on, whenever a student mysteriously goes missing (because you murdered them without leaving behind any evidence or you kidnapped them) a missing poster for that student will appear on one of the walls outside of your classroom.
  • Previously, the Light Music Club rhythm minigame in 1980s Mode used the same music as the track from 202X Mode. Now, the minigame uses a different music track depending on what period you’re in!
  • The Japanese text that appears on the note that Ryoba leaves for Ayano in Week 1 of 202X Mode has been re-worded to be more natural to Japanese speakers.
  • Some 1980s Mode students are no longer using the default idle/walk animations, and are now using idle/walk animations that suit their personalities.
  • A new track has been added to Mission Mode! (It has a lengthy intro segment, which may be removed in a future update.)
  • Inkyu’s "true form" now uses an original model+texture, instead of using a retextured version of Sakyu’s "true form."
  • The female delinquents of 1980s Mode are no longer using the "default neutral pose" in their student portraits.
  • During the Miyuki / Space Witch minigame, it is now possible to pause and unpause the gameplay.
  • The socks worn by Sumire’s ghost didn’t match her official artwork, so they have been updated.
  • The new Schoolday track that was added to 202X Mode now has a 1980s Mode counterpart!
  • Adjusted some of the text in the 1980s "True Ending Timeline Sequence."
  • In 202X Mode, all of the Light Music Club girls now have hair physics.
  • Added three new hairstyles for the protagonist in Custom Mode.
  • Updated Sakyu and Inkyu’s eye shapes and student portraits.
  • Added 8 more items to the Content Checklist.
  • Saki Miyu’s hairstyle has once again been updated! The idea was to give her a new hairstyle that restores certain visual traits she once had while retaining the current shape/style of her hair. I hope you approve of it!

November 18th, 2024[]

  • After using the mirror in Ayano’s home to customizing Ayano’s hair, it is now possible to revert back to Ayano’s default hair model using a new option in the mirror’s menu.
  • Ayano’s new "build-your-own-hairstyle" hair models will now turn blonde if the player chooses to purchase blonde hair dye.
  • Ayano’s new hair models now have hair physics.


December 1st, 2024[]

  • New Legendary Cherry Tree model.
  • When you are choosing the color of your characters’ hair and eyes, you are now allowed to select a "Custom" option that spawns a color picker, allowing you to specify the exact color that you want to use. You are no longer limited to primary colors like Red/Blue/Green in Custom Mode!
  • You are no longer required to make sure that your Custom Mode events have exactly the same number of lines of dialogue as the original events they are replacing; they can now contain fewer lines! (But not more lines.)
  • A "Newspaper" folder has been added to the Custom Mode directory. The text files placed into this directory will determine the text in the school newspaper articles for each day of the game!
  • Added 5 new eye types for female characters in Custom Mode!

If the player was sent to the guidance counselor for alarming behavior (such as being splattered with blood) it was possible for the player to instantly re-alarm students as soon as they exited the guidance counselor’s office, resulting in immediately being sent back to the counselor. To prevent this, a 10-second "grace period" was added to the game; when leaving the guidance counselor’s office, nobody will be alarmed by your behavior for 10 seconds. However, some players were exploiting this; for example, "walk into counselor’s office, exit, and immediately steal faculty ID card in front of all the teachers." The grace period has been lowered from 10 seconds to 5 seconds to prevent this type of exploit.

  • One of the 1980s Mode suitors in the Occult Club had nearly solid-black hair. This was bad, since "dye your hair black" is one of the suitor appearance options. His hair has been updated to be lighter in color.
  • There are now two songs available in the 1980s Mode Light Music Club rhythm minigame— "Very Easy" and "Easy." Easy is currently kind of repetitive, and might get adjusted in the future.
  • Previously, in 1980s Mode, it was not possible to peek around a corner and spy on your Senpai and Rival in any event that took place at lunchtime. It is now possible!
  • It is now possible to speed up the rate that you destroy the rocks behind the cherry tree by upgrading your Physical stat.
  • The Martial Arts clubmembers, Occult clubmembers, and Art clubmembers of 1980s Mode now have unique portrait poses.
  • Pose Mode’s stocking options have been updated to feature the newest stockings that have been added to the game.
  • Updated the hair models/textures of the 1980s Occult Club students.
  • Slightly adjusted Horuda, Raibaru, and Efude’s Likes/Dislikes.
  • Restored Uekiya’s hair physics.
  • Updated Amai’s portrait.

December 15th, 2024[]

  • You can now kidnap male students.
  • Custom Mode now supports custom uniforms, stockings, and bookbag textures. You can now also assign portrait poses, eye types to male students, custom diary entries, and profile descriptions for the headmaster, counselor, and journalist.
  • The "Censor Blood" feature now actually censors it in certain cases where it didn't before.
  • When socializing with a student, the player is supposed to get bonus social points when they use the same Persona or "animation set" as the student that they’re talking to. Sonoko uses the animations from the "Strict" animation set. So, using the "Strict" Persona will now give you bonus social points when interacting with Sonoko.
  • In the "Alternate Timeline, " it was a little too harsh to have your entire save file deleted for messing up, so the player will now be "sent back in time to last Sunday" instead of having their entire "timeline" erased.
  • Updated the text for Ryoba’s "Expel" Idea, since Himeko’s rings are no longer the only way to frame a rival for theft.
  • Several 1980s Mode students who lacked unique portrait poses are now using unique poses in their portraits.
  • Updated a few of the graphics that accompany the tutorials accessed from the Pause Menu.
  • Yandere Clicker got reuploaded as a standalone .exe.

December 16th, 2024[]

  • From their official artwork (and from remarks that Ryoba makes during her "introducing the next rival" monologues), we can tell that certain rivals are meant to be more pale-skinned or more tan-skinned than other rivals. Now that the game supports skin colors for female characters, some rivals’ skin colors have been updated to reflect their official artwork more accurately. Their in-game skin colors are not 100% accurate perfect replicas of their official artwork skin colors, but they’re definitely closer than they previously were. (Please note that you will only see their new skin colors reflected in normal 1980s Mode, and not in Custom Mode.)

December 17th, 2024[]

  • Now that the game’s code has been reconfigured to assign skin textures to female students, the game no longer applies socks to any Custom Mode female character unless that character is specified to be wearing socks. Some players reported this as a "bug." I do not really consider this to be a "bug" at all, but I do understand how it may be unexpected/unwanted, or simply look strange. From now on, all female students in Custom Mode will use the "Short Black" socks by default (if they haven’t already been assigned some other stockings).
  • Custom Mode data that was compatible with previous versions of Custom Mode should now be compatible with the new Custom Mode. (I know that this is the 2nd time I’m saying this, but I think it’s really going to work this time.)
  • Akane Toriyasu now has hair physics.

December 20th, 2024[]

  • From now on, all builds of the game will contain a backup copy of the Topics. JSON file in the StreamingAssets/JSON folder so that if you ever encounter this bug, you can manually fix it by replacing the broken Topics. JSON file with the working backup copy.
  • All of the 1980s Mode Newspaper Club students now have unique portrait poses. (These poses have also been added to Custom Mode as options for characters’ portrait poses.)
  • There is now a new skin option in Custom Mode— the option for students to use the face texture that is associated with their hair texture.
  • 1980s Mode rivals now have face textures and skin textures that are more accurate to their official artwork.
  • Kidnapped male students now wear "burlap sacks" just like kidnapped female students.
  • Your save files now mention the in-game week/day that the save file was created.
  • All 1980s Mode Art Club members now have unique portrait poses.

December 22nd, 2024[]

  • Updated the Befriend/Betray cutscene to use the font color gradient that is standardized throughout the rest of the game.
  • Updated the Befriend/Betray cutscene to use the new Aishi living room model, instead of the old model from 2015.

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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.