The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)

CALL EARLY ADVERTISERS With your Want Ads to secure proper classification in next Sunday's Clobe. Must call early with their Ads for next Sunday's Clobe to secure proper classification. i VOL LVII-XO 117. BOSTON. FRIDAY EVENING.

A1ML 27, 1000-FOUKTEEX PAGES. rorvuiunT. i. hy the uuuee NKWM'irKB til. PKIOE TWO CENTS.

ET3 WORSTED Ml KA LA "Alt that it Highland Sprint. -Ali your tafttrr for The "Brew Master" 11 SITJOWI. Deputy Sheriff Hoffman May Die from Wound. Was One of Party ra t33 11 il El aJ II duuifii ll Wharf Terminal Com pany in the end timr trt all thin'jt. The "Drew Master" must know his business and faithfully follow his chosen work.

Successful brewing Is something more than mechanical accuracy upon the education and the training of the 'Brew Master" largely de-pc-nda the characteristics of the brew. The "Brew Master" of Ruefr's Sterling Ale knows his business and knows it well. The high, unvarying quality of Sterling Ale proves that. "Ask your tapster for Rueter'a" Th scientific training and rare ul education of the "Brw Master" is a vlud point In successful brewing and thia fart Charle-rnairne, known as Charles tbe Great. Roman Enifxrcr and Kin of the Franks, personally fave direction bow to brew the Ale for his Court, and he was as careful In selecting his "Urew Master" a In choosing counselors and leaders.

For a day, for a week, for a month, perhaps, new brews may command some attention, but the brew that rompetes In quality Is the brew that wins Seeks Incorporation. Roberts Silent About French's fork. London Anxious to Know If Boers Are Cut Off. Bitter Opposition by South Sterling Ale. O-i enlr where cur Official Sign it displayed.

Boston Representatives. Rueter Company, Highland Sprinj Brewery. ft irrs f-t-n fttn nnn Bill Characterized Latest Estimate Part of the Scheme to Damage Property in That Section of the City for Private Gain. WASHHJRiS OLOTil No lonev Places Them at 40,000 Time of Fortifying Pretoria. I M.

srr. I ORIGINATOR AND FOUNDER Lowest Cash Prices. Wc the remarkable eay oi p'entv of jiotxls for the whoie at cah prices, tor no money flown, and liberal credit, without interest or extra charge, and without investigation, publicly or annoyance of any kind. Kea'iXoMiy All-Wool So.U 8.00 to 15.00 Moa'i All-Wool Oiercu 8.00 18. OO Mci1.

ua Uy Black Saiu II.OOto2 5.CO B' Ti TicryanJ School 2uitv3.00 to 6.50 Xe'l Xvbbr Eiti I. SO to 3. 00 I. SO to 4.00 X'z'i ai Bon' tho" on 455 Washington St. Opp.

Jordan. Marsh Co. Open Evenings. AND VICUNA SPRING SUIT GENTLEMEN Our new worsted and vicuna fabrics have been made exclusively for us by the leading mill in New Htixland, and are the correct and fashion- able textiles for the sea- son. We have just com- plctcd in our workrooms Spring Suits for gentle-j men that are far and, away the leaders of anyj we have heretofore pro- duccd for the price.

sr ijnr rt. it trill if r. 1 Sr. t- tvt h-c? im.ij utt-ii4 If 9i 'f fit. j.i piiJfl1) tat iT D' i t.f ftf" tr I 1 ill .4 i lt4 Twenty Dollars.

WEATHER. n.l the in i uma a i I As i i 1- fti.n, t'k 1'. Jai W-'." S. OiIwth to'. Si I-oui Paul 1'.

Krn- i If U. Vi Is The Temperature Todar. up to 3 a- J. law iV-: I WHAT WE i BELIEVE IN t'tt Irvacni. I raj BABY ScT 00 $1.00 tur Per Down LU Week Csrpcts, Oil Cloths, Straw Mattings, Art Squares and Rugs for Spring Changes.

Spwii! amrure marts caa r' tu farish homes I FYlRrjHIhU TO fURHISH A HOMC ON EASY TERMS HOLMES, LUGE CO, R. tOBlSSOM 4 CO. 143 THK MONTANA PI A MONO LEXS is th f.i lens ever coMMrs an vcrv bne- muh mntion. for $1. 4ShiSftc3 St.

terfectfea fact, ia i iv 1, ti. a mr a. our (tvf. lw V. 'T-n ro I jut AND DK-A'U LNT stores amaicj at the re- tllT Uv Fric ct MONTANA V.

NrS- At thU Introductory sale AND S3 VALUES AT 5'V. 601 il iRgton St. rtl l9vK ju. 'if a 151 tnT I IJust "Ml uvl an)' mt road Mr pvrt whvte c-Js woll tm. jr jar.y the rai'ro.

and are We AIR tr ta ri.r Bl I tlM, 1 LIQUID 1 in) 11 11 yiinip of Transvaal Troops found his pretty wife there with a boarder. cut hia wife's throat from cV sverln her head. She died In two minutes. The murderer escaped. A11 he police of greater New York are marching for him.

The board- waa arrested. GOV ALLEN jNPUERT0 RICO. Dispatch Received from Gen Davis Announces His Safe Arrival on the Dolphin Today. WASHINGTON, April 27-Actlng See of War Melklejohn received a telegram today from Oen Davis, commanding- the military department of Puerto R'co, faying that Gov Allen bad Juat arrived at San Juan on the 8 steamship Dolphin. He gave no details of the reception accorded the new executive of the Island, but it Is supposed that, in accordance, with the program, he arrived in state, escorted by the vees cf the Nona Atlantic rquadron, and was received with salutes and other military honors.

BACK IN WASHINGTON. Presidential Party Arrived Todar From Canton. O. WASHINGTON. April 27-ITes and Mrs McKlnley arrived In Washington at 8 o'clock this morning- Canton.

Accompanying them were Capt and Mrs Lafayette McWIIliams of Chicago. Dr RJxey. ilr William 8. Hawk of New York. Mr George Barber of Canton, Private Sec Cortelyou anj stenographer Leonard.

TWIN PILLARS. Obvlotis Eimpllcitr Is tbe I Tall-Marat of tbe highest art-Some of tbe befit things are thos which Beern so simple to do. Some of the most valuable Improvements are those which any of us could have thought of had we tried. It occurred to one of our designers to attempt to reproduce 1 a mantel the effect of tbe great columns at Arlington. He started with two glatt pillars and then added the little fries and mantel "little" only by com par -I ison with the stately, massive pillars which are the dominant note in tbe design.

It ts one of tbe taoe effective mantels we have ever built. Ybe pillan support Corinthian capitals, and are handsomely fluted. It is a picture which lingers in the mind, and is not easily forgotten. Yt it in so simple. Paine Furniture Co.

RUGS. DRAPERIES AK3 FURNITURE, 48 Canal St. Bj LEONARD B3STGN. Wednesday, May 2, AT lO, -IX THE Hotel Berkeley, Boston, FURNITURE, CARPETS, Mirror, Draperies, Linen and Plated Ware, Glass and Chlua, Copper aud other utensiU. Open ONLY morning of sale.

1M I in Pursuit Of Two Escaped Prisoners, Frank and Dustin Shaw of Stockbridge, Vt Posse Came on Fugitives While ThsyWere Cooking Breakfast. Sheriff Ordered the Hen to Surrender. Both Openefl Fire With Rifles- They Are Still at Larue. WOODSTOCK. Vt, April 27 News was received hre this forenoon from Stock-bridge, a small tewn 1" miles northwest of Woodstock, to the effect that Deputy Sheriff G.

Hoffman of White River Junction hid bet n. shot and dangerounly wounded by Frank Shaw and Dustin Shaw, two men who escaped from Windsor county Jail last Monday night. Sheriff Stafford and other deputies are at the s-cene of the trouble, which la In an isolated section, considerable distance fro-n the railroad. Shaws were serving a term for burglary and illegally killing deer. The home of the men is at StockbridRe, where the Ehootinc occurred.

Last Monday nipht the two prisoners planned to escape, and after the other inmates had retired, wrenched the bars from a win dow which was about IS feet from the eround. After having made a passage way throueh the window, they made 1 rope from their bedclothlng and by this means reached the ground in safety. The men succeeded in getting a good start before the jailer ana nis assist ants were aware or the escape. on the following morning the author Itiea took the trail and endeavored to apprehend the fugitives. It was learned that the Shaws passed through the village of Harnard about 4 o'clock Tuesday morning.

Barnard is 10 miles north of here and in the direc tion of the Shaws' home town. It was also ascertained that they called at the bouse of a farmer named Hatch, in Barnard Center, and there were givi something to eat. The farmer asked the men to explain why it was they were at liberty, and in reply thoy said they had obtained bail and had been re leased, pending a trial. They also told Mr Hatch that they were bound for Bellows Falls. When the Shaws left Barnard they took two titles with them and were last seen entering the woods to the north west of Barnard.

Sheriff Stafford fol lowed the trail to this point, but was unable at the time to hear any further news of theYn. The sheriff spent con siderable time In the search, and on Wednesday, feeling thoroughly ex hausted, returned to Woodstock. Since then several deputies have been on the lokout for the fugitives, and yesterday the sheriff himself again took up the hunt. It waa decided to keep a close watch In the vicinity of Stockbridge. One of the officers sent to that vicinity was Duputy Sheriff Hoffman of White River Junction.

Last nixht Sheriff Stafford and Deputy Sheriff Paul Flnkham of Rochester joined Hoffman at Blttsfield, four miles from Stockbridge. It was decided to make an early start, and go across South hill which is between Pittsfteld and Stockbridge. They got away about 4 o'clock this morning, and, on going out toward South hill, they saw smoke in tbe woods. Following a trail in the direction whence the smoke waa seen, they came upon tbe two fugitives, who were engaged in cooking a rabbit which they had shot. Each was armed with a rifle.

The sheriff advanced and ordered the men to surrender. The lattt-r immediately opened tire with their rifles, to which the officials replied with revolvers. Deputy Hoffman fell with a bullet through the body. The desperados retreated, firing as they went, and soon disappeared in the woods. The official feared to follow far.

not knowing how seriously their associate had been hurt. Thy returned to the spot where Hoffman lay and found that he waa in a critical condition. He was made as comfortable as possible. One of hia comrades returned to Pittstleld for aid. A physician who responded to the summons found that the bullet bad parsed through Hoffman's abdomen, cawing a wound which was likely to rtault in death.

After the examination the officer returned to Pitts.i.-ld and summoned assistance from liutland. Berlin and Woodstock and deputy sheriffs and officials have tartd for Pluntleld. The hunt for the fugitives will be resumed xj soon as possible and be pushed with vigor. A telephone message received at noon frid that thf iiijiired man was uncon scious and railing. It was thought Impossible to move the wour.ded deputy this forenoon, and he was cared for at the scene of the shooting.

The fugitives are father and son. Deputy Sheriff Hoffman will be remembered as the man who went ningle-handed Into th Warden barn at to capture Frank Almy. WUl Oen Wheeler Succeed Himself NEW DECATUR, Ala. April 27 A personal friend of G-n Wheeler ia authority for the statement that Gen Wheeler will be a candidate to succeed himself as congreman from the eighth congressional The same person is authority for the statement that Gn Wheeler's resignation was due to the fact that he feared a fight would oe made on him in the bouse. Indications axe that be will nave no as Most Nefarious, mercantile affairs, said that the reason for bis dissent was not because he did not think that public necessity demand ed the development of the south bay.

On the contrary, there was a very large representation of South Boston business men before the committee in favor of the bill. But he did not think the rights of the public were sufficiently safeguarded, especially in the section which gave the company the right to purchase or take lan.l anywhere, although thia defect had been remedied by the amendment offered by Mr Wlllard of Chelsea. The section which permitted railroads to purchase the stock of the corporation was also against the public interest, in tbe Judgment of the speaker. He wanted to see the bill passed, if properly amended. Mr Minton of Boston charactcilzed the bill as most nefarloi's among the seveial Mfarlous schemes which had come from the committee 011 mercantile affair this session.

Mr Gale of Xatlck did not agree that this was a Isnd speculation. Air Love of Webster moved the previous question, but as protests were made ly Messrs Mclsaac, Watson and McNary of Boston and Howland of Chelsea Mr Love withdrew his motion. Mr Lanergan of Boston opposed the till. It gave unlimited rights to lay tracks in the streets and to close the only avenue between South Boston and Koxbury. There are not 3J0 business firms within a mile of the locality mentioned.

Petitioners have been using personal influence for the bill. Mr Hunt of Weymouth moved postponement until Thursday next. This was defeated. Mr McNary of Boston read the text of an order which he proposed to offer if the bill was sent to the next general court. This provided for the reference of the subject of the development of the south bay to the harbor anl land commissioners.

Mr McNary then proceeded to explain the objections to the bill. There was a map on the wall, and Mr McNary, with his pointer, indicated me uinerent lo calities in South Boston which would come within the bill. l)ebate on the question was interrupt ed by the entrance of Gov Nash of Ohio and Coiifcrehsman Srfjih of Michigan, who were escorted to places on either side of Speaker Myers. On motion of Mr Howland of Chelsea a recess was taken. Kach of the distinguished visitors briefly addressed the house and then the members were given an opportunity to shake hands wit.i the political leaders from the west.

The informal reception was concluded Just as the clock marked the hour of the noon recess. fect log. The stump of the other was terribly lacerated and bruised by bein 7 forced li to the socket of a cork lee. K. Kirbe of Wheeling suffered terrible internal injuries, and will die.

Body of Dunning Boy Jtecovered. PAWTITKET. I. April 2T The body of John Dunning, the 4-year-old boy drowned in the river last evening, was discovered today on the river bank at the little hamlet of Ingrahamville. fully a mile from where the boy fell from the scow into the water.

It had been left there by the tide, in accordance with Instructions from the medical examiner, the police took the body to the home of the boy's mother. Men's Fine Shoes Italanc of tbe Stock of M. SHEENY CO. To Em Sold Sacrifice. 572 Pr.

Ensst Calf and Brown froa $4.00 to 249 Pre. Black and Brown Vici Kid Oxfords, from $4.00 to 110 Pra. Calf Cosgresa, froa $3 50 and $4.00 to 170 Prt. Patent Leather from $4 00 and $5.00 ta 238 Pr. Easiet Calf and Vici Kid from $3.50 to 2,65 2.45 1.50 1.65 1.85 1 Frecch 218 Prs.

Oeatilne Hand Bewed ia Frecch Calf, Brown. Seal and Bnss.t 2.85 Calf, from $5.00 to 113 Pri. Enamel Bals from $.00 to 2.45 137 Patent Leather Bntton, from $5.00 to 2. bonght the "Sheehy" itocs to aeenre the location for oor owa ahoea. The balance of thii stock will bo put on ale todaj at extreme low price to make room for new inToicea.

Mclean shoe co. Cor. Devonshire Street and Spring Lane. Oppomlt PoMt Otfkm, fob mm StronjrArgumentiMade by Director Hoar. Albany Directors DaaainiGns (or IL Are Vast of Share Owners Favor.

186,652 Out Of 202,623 the to Talk About Giving Away State's Kailroad." The rsiMroiiJ committee of the lefrisla UHly cave a hearing to Hon Sam- Hoar, director of th iUloii Al-t reiiresentti.K Ixi shares of S.iZ3 which mere voted on the matter, tn fjvor if tbe lease of ihnt to the Ne York The ar-fi-nifiif listened to with marked attention by the tru-mbcr. It follv.s: ai. i niKimn An lm- nt corpv-ratlon. ct.iriiy men. cTTKercd ntirel by ilaremuwt 1.

and tne.h- in tl.e i nru ip.t of Mascavhuet tt Is as rlriii an 1 In the lower brancn of the state legis lature this morning an order was adopt ed authorizing the issuance of a precept for a special election In the 12th Worces ter diftrlct. made vacant by the death of Itepiefentative Isaac B. Wriglit of Fitcltburfe-. Debate was continued on the bill to incorporate the South Bay wharf and terminal company, the question being on ordering to a third reading. Mr Lydon of Boston moved to refer the bill to the next general court.

lie declared that the bill was the last card of John C. Cobb and others against the construction of the Cove st bridge. 'Mr Cobb lias been fighting us, and Is now fighting us In Washington," said the young South Boston member. Con tinuing, he said that access to the South bay was only possible by passing through eight bridges with draws, and as the bill proposed to give the com pany permission to co a nemerage business, it would mean the inconven ience of 100.000 people, who would be held up at the draws while lighters were passing. Further, this was a gigantic scheme of some real estate owners.

If the bill went over for a year might be that the federal authorities would fill In the South bay 8nd give to the city drawless bridges, as it had done for Cambridge. Mr Kyle of Plymouth, for the com mittee reporting the bill, explained that the bill did not contain any extraor dinary privileges, and was asked for by 400 business men. Indeed, he thought that, with the exception of the author- ty to establish a terminal, the company could do what it wanted to do under the general laws. He professed Ignorance of the mys teries of Boston politics, but he said he could not help notlnjf that the bill was opposed by Boston democrats. The bill did not ask for tbe sacrifice of a single public right.

The speaker's reference to Boston pol itics brought Mr McNary of Boston to his feet. He aked Mr Kyle If he did not know that John C. Cobb had been the closest personal friend, legal and real estate adviser of Joslah Quincy when he was mayor. Mr Kyle continued his pro fession of ignorance of Boston politics. Mr Mellen of Worcester believed in the development of Boston harbor and the terminal facilities of the city, but he did not want to see the improvement tarted in such a patchwork manner.

He rather favored having the bill referred to a special recess committee of he leRislature. or to a commission. Mr Dow of Topsfleld, one of the dis- 1 sentlng members of the committee on FEARFUL INJURIES SUSTAINED. Six Persons Seriously Hurt in a Railroad Accident Near Wheeling, Va, on the Cleveland Express. WHKr.LINO.

Va. April 27-The levelttnd express on the Cleveland Krle ran into a freight car on an open switch last nlsht. K. McLaughlin of Cadiz. was badly brulse and cut.

His wife's windpipe is cut. and her neck is nearly broken. She will probably die. The face and head of their daughter. Miss Crete, are badly ut.

An arm of Otto Rufomun of Xew York was broken. Rev W. K. Wilson has only one per PRESIDENT EEmlQW AMD THE JESUTS READ Rev. Fr.

Brosnahan's Second Article in THE SACRED HEART REVIEW APRIL 28th. Ca Sale at All Ne.s Stands. LONDON'. April 27 The following dis patch has been received at the war office from Lord Roberts: Eloemfonteln. April Si At the re quest of the high commissioner.

Warren has been appointed military governor of Grlqualand West, while that part of the country is in a disturbed condition." This curious dispatch constitutes all the war news received up to this hour. The country Is eagerly awattlruc to hear whether Oen French succeeded in cutting off the retreating Boers. But. of this progress there is no word. The military critics of the afternoon papers differ as to the chances of another Paardeberg.

but they agree in considering the situation in the Free State as being eminently satisfactory. They argue that even if Oen French Is unable to Intercept the main Boer forces he may score considerable success in a series of rear-guard actions or the isolation of straggling bodies Lord Roberts' peculiar reference to Sir Alfred Milner over Warren's appointment lends itself to the Inference that the commander-in-chief of the British forces in South Africa scarcely approves of it and that the previous report that Warren had been recalled, was correct, but that be was saved front coming home by the action of the Brit ish high commissioner. According to a special dispatch from Lourenzo Marquee, the latest authentic estimates of the Boer forces place them at nearly 44.00U. The work of entrenching Pretoria Is proceeding. Husband Cut His Wife's Throat.

NEW YORK. April 27-Tony Uousa returned unexpectedly at 10.30 this morning to his home, HO Cherry st, and ESTABLISHED 50 YEARS NEARLY Even if You it just yet, you'd better secure one of our heavy White-Enameled, Brass-Trimmed, Bow-Foot Beds at the notable price of The money could not be better invested. No less than $7.50 for its equal anywhere in Boston. PRICES II BELOW THOSE OF DOTN-TOTO STORES Only 4 Minutes to Boylston St. Frte Delivery.

Prompt Service. AND COMPANY SOLE MAKLS3 PLIKPTOS SOFA BED. 1 Near DOVER, STEEL GRAY is the proper color overcoats this year. for spring We display them in our Retail Clothing Department in a large variety of qualities, mostly in the soft-finish fabrics which are now so fashionable. MACULLAR PARKER COMPANV 400 Washington Street 1 $5 9(S) CO) 077 OF THE CREDIT SYSTEM.

Liberal Credit. We have the cream of the credit trade, and any person who can get an account with our house will never trade elsewhere. We are the most centrally located and have no connection with any other house, and don't want any. Lad es' Swell Jacket! S.OO to 15. OO Ladie' Etyliih Saiu 9.50 to 25.

OO Latnrt Style SkirU- 2.00 to 16. SO Pretty Silk Wait 5.0O to 12.50 Lad ei' Pariiiai Hat 2.00 to 12.00 Ladies' tad Children" Shoe--1. 2 5 to 3.00 owners or ran act. they are prac- wcvuy uiiiichj in ravor of the measure. Th boani of directors are nnnnlmnn.

Out of 2j2 xhares ri'presentpd at the njeettriR. shares were voted for me lese. out of rhares tn oil. oniy in.Sii be mustered in opposition. It would seem to be Idle therefore to further debate here or elsewhere the question which ha been so conclusively nemei.

ana i shall take it for granted that neithur you nor the legislature will care to discuss anythinc except i uu.ii. pme oi in case. What Does This Prove? Starting, therefore, with the proposition that the owners of the property, whose pecuniary Interests are at stake, who are experl-nced tn the manaRement of their own affairs, who have carefully discussed the situation for nearly six months and then acted upon It that these owners do not need to be put un-rt-r uantlanwrilp and are entitled to considerate attention, what does their action prove? It proves that a hui. ru-H matter, for the preservation and development of the property, the lease aim pruuent and the guaranties are ample; that, as between landlord and tenant. It is proper in form and in substance; that the proposed lessee is a fit.

competent and satklic-tory promisor, in whose hands the property, as property, will be safe and directors nod more thun of the stockholders of the New Cork Central Hudson River ra.iroad company have also agreed to this lease. o'ces that prove? It proves tht the connect is one of reciprocal bens-nts in the opinion of the respective own- v. .11. '-ot iraci were between two mills or between two lines of steam- beH miK fiom here to Liverpool. uld think of questioning it.

be applauded as securing no one wo but It wou piauimy ana permanence, eccnomy anil and To V.Vd ihVSE lacss or rivals. Who are oiorj and managers of these attacks of Who are theso owners uji 1 managers of these properties? Are th-y men of vapirrirnce ana judgment? llave they ceored their energies to the solution of the problems upon whih the alne of tiieir properties must depend? Wo-jid ine ineir opinion on or would ou rail Murw brth-r Nfatthews? rallr.d In brother conmently claim. therefore, that the of the of Hn(oj raiirotd have settled nil thf private questions of property involved In dation if four r.vada Into one, and she is cow sk. to permit a furtVr trenSit.erir. by a still further consoii.

iui.on cf interests tnd tnar.agement. Public Aspect of Matter. 1 us. therefore, turn to the public STeti of the matter. The Boston Albany is a New York corporation as much as it is a Massa- cutt corporation.

Its mi lease of road is lesa in New York than it is In Maachuetia. There is nothing in the law of either state that I know of to prevent our elecf.nir all of our direc from New York state at aui- time. could elect the directors of the New Yor Central to te dire-tora of the lnton A.banv. We bave bad a close ai.Unce with the New York Central tur more than years, we know its mar.Aijer and understand its poll -j-. hat, ver may have been the int or purposes of th.Je ho the raiiroad In times past, it is now certain mat Mr Callaway and his are up-to-date nuiroad men wio are fuily a.iv to the retiulremenia Cwtlawed mm ta Seeoat Pas.

found. 4 a that of any arairst More and his cll-rorira before urn a a t-. thioiur for rnt- il-issa-husotts has not a cent's legislation nhioti it thw-ss mhvjmiv J'ortn of om nershlp in the Boston Allot only its on protection ani cU- jan railroad, nor hu she the power to but the and prop, aeprlve ih actual owners of their prop. to lh fomrruMilc hich hnve 1 erty without lylntr full compensation up aio! it its isn. to them tiereft.r.

She rold at a iilgh Ttie T-oj'lon a raiiroad corn- 1 rice at the time the property rights aeks tbe consent of th n'1 In this railroad. To acquire an commonwealth g.vei to Its lease to owtiership for the property now wotil New York tVntral Hudson Rlv-r ner mi'l'or. of dollars. It is Sv far as the private idle to about Massachusetts Klvins property interests our company 1 away ber ifhe has alrea-Iy far as tbe officers ar.J oined 'xilh New Y'ork in ptrmjttins the formation cf this th. LIQUID AIR RIGHTS FOR SALE.

1 I are now wit narailMa rtrlal Ctif. tMict. 1 inuf.tur. ue a4 l.lttllO, oir.sjr patent re." U- in IK -to r-ie wrc-M. se aeccrforio a h.l-f loipvtianl art te wurU- ctTIIPHitf frvm 1 ta 4 P.

an 1 il o. 1 ri rririarrrmitait acj aiodt- mm- I 1.7 16- Mr. A. J. 1rn.lle r.r.

to fcu taj4 Uul InlleU. Ap.lf at tti.a vT.v fur K.ffct, or Jto a 3 per arei. AIR REFKIGERATICJi AXD POWER CO. Saaksrr Bailaia-. nr I.

The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.